August 01, 2012

Kawin,eh nikah..

Pernikahan somehow menempati posisi yang turun naek di hati gw, kaya uler tangga. Ada masanya gw menolak mentah2 konsep kawin secepatnya mumpung masih muda, ada masanya juga gw secara random pingin menarik mas2 tampan yang gw temui di orchard langsung ke penghulu.Maklum darah AB, kepribadian ganda katanya.

Belum lagi tekanan2 dari social media yang isinya undangan kawin sama foto cantik bayi, ga usah dijelasin lagi semua juga udah tau kayanya..

Damn that feeling..

Seriously,after my teenage phase,i'm actually not a big fan of marriage. Gw pernah ngetweet 'Marriage is actually an option'. Mau nikah ato nggak itu pilihan. Nikah seharusnya bukan karena tekanan umur, tekanan keluarga,apalagi cuma for the sake of having sex legally, terlalu banyak pasangan yang kawin cerai cuma buat alasan ini, come on.

It is not marriage that important for me, but the commitment that lies in it. The commitment to go through all the good and bad time, together, no matter what.

Dan...di tengah penulisan statement2 di atas..mata gw terpaku sama sebuah page wedding photografi yang baru diupload..

The pictures are beautiful..
Nuansa putih bordiran gaun pengantin,dua tangan bergandengan, wajah orang tua mempelai yang sumringah, happiness, laughter, stories, sadness, joyfull..

Damn it! I want that dramatic moment!!I want it all for my self!!! ( hopefully one day)

Ah ya ampun maklumlah darah AB, kepribadian ganda..


  1. Hey..

    I just read it
    and this is crazy
    but let me tell you...
    and read mine maybe

    Just comment :)
    Don't chase the moment only to get what you want but wait and surely you will get the right time and the one!
    Im married and still have the thought "what if im not married yet?" well absolutely always say "No matter what, I still want to make friend as many as i could and yes travel around the world, while Im waiting to meet the right one."
    For sure you re special and you deserve the best.

    Being the way that you are is enough,

    Everyone else in the room can see it,
    Everyone else but you....(Lets sing!! LOL)

    Enjoy your life!

  2. No worries,no hurries..Hahaha..





Heart wants what the heart wants. And it's you.